Win32DiskImager - for cards that have not been previously imaged
1. Download the Win32Diskimager software
2. Download a Raspberry Pi image to use (I use Raspbian Debian Wheezy)
3. Right click on the file to extract the *.zip image to a directory (at the time of writing the name was
4. Goto your download folder and double click to install (Check Create Desktop Icon during the installation process for easy access)
5. Insert your SD card into your reader/writer
6. Format your SD card to FAT32 (right click on your SD card and select Format (I leave everything default except I Un-Check Quick Format). This may take 10 minutes or so depending on the size of your card.
7. Run Win32DiskImager Software and select the image file you downloaded/extracted as well as the drive letter of your SD card (Be sure this is the correct drive letter of the SD card)
8. Select Write (this can take a while (took mine about 3 minutes) depending on the image size and speed of your card) Confirm YES when asked if you are sure you want to write to the card
9.Done! You should now have a bootable SD card for your raspberry Pi
DD for windows - a more powerful method for card previously imaged, cards windows cannot format or read properly
If you are having issues with a corrupt SD card, you'll have to use a tools such as DD and Diskpart. This will be discussed in a future article.